Boosting Your I.Q. Naturally With   with the Godfather of EyeCandy
More than one million healthy, enriching, empowering web pages ... designed for you by the devoted MisterShortcut
A powerful success shortcut is knowing that you're capable of doing better one time for every twelve tries.
Engaging in this one PowerGems is guaranteed to help you in boosting your I.Q. or income in every area of human endeavor.

It is a perfect shortcut of life - a PowerGem. This one shortcut alone works approximately every time.
Without exception, one additional success for every twelve tries helps in boosting your I.Q.and income

What exactly is the benefit of having an IQ roughly double the national average? Unless you have a better idea, MisterShortcut suggests that it is the employment of that ability to absorb information a bit faster, perhaps more comprehensively, for the betterment of the maximum possible number of people. Owning multiple cars and motorcycles was fun, feeding thousands of people in a single shot became more fun. If using valuable time to tolerate a dinner with people instead of creating, it's nice to be able to look people in the eye and say, "Yes, I've pulled in about four hundred million in these past thousand days or so." Without exception, a positive impression is transmitted. "Yes, it might be over five hundred million, who's trying to count? You see, I don't get paid in dollars; I prefer cups of food. Yesterday, I appear to have earned very well over one hundred thousand cups of food. Since I can only eat a cup at a time, and because I do appear to have tapped into a never-ending stream of food, it pleased me to see the food go to starving people." That's a big part of who MisterShortcut became: someone who got such pleasure, even physical, emotional, spiritual, just from feeding people, that he decided to become a different kind of billionaire, the kind that imitates Paul Newman, wherein actions speak so loudly that no words are necessary.

the Path of Better Shortcuts asks you to help feed starving people - NO CHARGE.
First 1.1 cups you give are free, it only takes a single clickthrough.

IF YOU WANT, you can also buy food for starving people, at - get this - 28 cups of food per dollar,
so a twenty buys 560 cups of food for starving people. Five hundred lives saved for $40.
Can you imagine how it feels to plunk down forty bucks to save a thousand lives?
It can be near-addictive. Every forty dollars is another thousand lives saved.
When we count the cups raised or purchased by or "for" MisterShortcut,
it is easy to describe MisterShortcut as the richest man in the world.

What a feeling
Terrific sponsors of (no relation) buy 1.1 cups of staple food for starving people for each clickthrough.

Clicking the food button and the one that appears, you save a life, no charge
You'll notice these sponsors tend to be companies that do good in other ways,
and in most cases earn our appreciation if not some occasional business as well.
If there must be a favorite, okay, it's the company that sells great slave-free chocolate.
Most people don't know that more than ninety percent of all chocolate is gathered by slaves.
That's another issue for another forum, which you can probably search for under "chocolate shortcuts."

The issue here is that you're given access to the world's first true multi-billion-dollar website, free for your life.
In return, you're asked to share a generous portion, certainly more than ten percent, with helpless people.
For whatever reasons, there are indeed billions on earth who cannot feed themselves or their children.
While the Path of Better Shortcuts agrees that these people should not be having children,
after all is said and done, humans are human. Let us help who cannot help themselves.

That's the prime mission of the Path of Better Shortcuts.   What goes up...

Share the Path of Healthiest Living With Global Generosity!

Share the Path of Healthiest Living and Path of Better Shortcuts with YOUR world,
for the Path of Healthiest Living and Path of Better Shortcuts can be used by all.
The more we give away in life, the more that life is sure to repay our kindness.
Empower people to empower themselves, effectively teaching us all to help.
The helpless of the world, humans and creatures, all within air, sea, land,
all cry out to you to reverse the unconscionable greed of the wealthiest.
Share the Path of Healthiest Living and Path of Better Shortcuts today.
Help to even up the playing field, living a life that lives beyond you.
How you spend the minutes is also how you are spending the life.
You get to double all results every hundred tries or so if you like.
Each master of success can tell you these master secrets of life.
The more you reach to help others, the more life reaches you.
Before you do more, cease pretending that you know more.
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction, correct?
Act the way you want to be to become the way you act.
These are several master secrets of your universe.
They come from the masters of your universe.
Speaking less, and doing more, is yours.
Share the Path of Healthiest Living.
Let us even the playing field.

You will find there are benefits to enjoying the act of boosting your I.Q.
Both the Path of Better Shortcuts and
along with more than one thousand other MisterShortcut websites,
mean to help you to empower yourself, by helping you to help yourself.

You embark here and now on the greatest internal journey of a lifetime.
Welcome to the Shortcuts Capital of the Universe ...

Boosting your I.Q. gets easier with desire and practice,
especially with PowerGems from
brought to you in the pursuit of bringing out the best in you, repeatedly. habitually.
Develop more of your potential with and go for yours, quickly!
Develop your health and strength naturally, to live longer and stronger without drugs.
The Path of Better Shortcuts may well prove to be your healthiest of websites.
Between the Path of Better Shortcuts and
it would appear your life is about to improve quickly and profoundly.
Created with a great deal of love by MisterShortcut, for You

EyeCandy Capital of the Internet. the Path of Better Shortcuts.

Boosting Your IQ Without Drugs or Machines

Yes, boosting your I.Q. is easy. People are boosting their I.Q. with the Path of Better Shortcuts all around the world now.
Great supplements, including liquid zinc, Noni, gingko biloba, can help, and provide other health protections, too.
Still and all, boosting your I.Q. properly and effectively really means boosting your I.Q. naturally.

I.Q. is the speed at which you absorb and assimilate information to where you can use it.
Any human telling you that I.Q. is static, and cannot be improved, is not really smart.
Thousands of people have succeeded in boosting their I.Q. from just this one secret.
Remember, PowerGems are shortcuts that work close to 100 percent of the time.
Close your mouth, open your brain, and you'll be boosting your I.Q. quickly.
Flexibility in thinking is the single greatest factor in determining your I.Q.
Start instantly by learning to take the opposite position on any issue.
Each time you take the opposite side, you are boosting your I.Q.
Every time you do it newly, you are boosting your I.Q. again.
There is no limit to boosting your I.Q., in either sense,
qualitatively or quantitatively. It IS that simple,
although it's not always easy to be flexible.
If you cannot take the opposite position,
you will not be boosting your I.Q.,
now or anytime soon. Sorry.
Some of us are smart,
some are stupid.
You decide.

Much like good eyesight or good balance, flexibility and boosting your I.Q. are choices FAR MORE than anything else.
the Path of Better Shortcuts welcomes you to a clearer, more honest way of thinking, where resolution is the game.
Blame and shame and pain are best left to the majority, who will never get out of their living room chairs.
Those who focus on resolution find that even a one-percent increase quickly adds up, hugely so.
Whether you believe that boosting your I.Q. is a choice, or not, matters very little.
The only thing that matters is a result. Act as if it is so, it becomes so.
It's not fresh wisdom; it's ancient guarantees of wealth, still true.
Boosting your I.Q. occurs in less than ten simple seconds,
provided each of those seconds is rich with flexibility.

At the bottom of this page, the Path of Better Shortcuts holds that boosting your I.Q. is a choice.