Let's clarify a primary misconception you've been operating under for quite too long now. Survival. Basic and primal survival. This is something that everyone understands when push comes to shove. Life delivers certain lessons under high stress that cannot be compared with anything less than life and death circumstances.
In 1986, three people putting up a total of twelve hundred dollars into Micrsoft worked out very well because of the only rule of winning at the stock market: Buy twenty different stocks. Whatever stock you buy, do not look at the price for a period of at least two hundred months. By the time twenty years have come and gone, the same thing will be true no matter what year the stock was purchased, or when it is finally sold. Up to sixteen or even seventeen of those companies will no longer exist. One or two of the remaining stocks will have held their own. One of these original twenty stocks will have made you wealthier than you could have imagined. It is a perfect commonality of stock investing in four countries studies, Dozens of two-score chunks of time examined, and you see a PowerGem.

PowerGems are perfectly universal shortcuts.
They work for approximately one hundred percent of the people who use them repeatedly.
Asking your mother for ice cream, getting rejected and going to grandma, then Dad, then Grandpa,
until someone final cooperated properly by giving up the quarters for the ice cream.

Some of you took the rejection, some of you did not. Those who did not got to eat more ice cream. This is a perfect rule of life, it's been working successfully for approximately one hundred percent of the people who use them repeatedly.
This is what we mean when referring to universal shortcuts as an abbreviation of Powerful (yes, capitalized) gems of life, PowerGems.
Always capitalize that word, because we only understand and accept magic when we actually experience it.
While reserving the subject of experiences we ALL undergo where something happens we cannot explain,
it's only to keep the focus on you getting the best grasp possible on the basis of PowerGems.
Unlike most of our best speakers and writers on the subjects of wealth and empowerment,
MisterShortcut neither sought, solicited, nor accepted profitable offers,
because the Path of Better Shortcuts is the real dividing line,
the line between excellence for profit or for sharing.
Sharing tastes better, three million minutes' worth.
Invest in twenty different company or group stocks.
Forget the stocks and their prices for 200 months.
You will be fantastically wealthy every time,
so bet with your head, not over it, right?
Isn't that what the casinos advise?
Stock is for people too lazy,
too unmotivated in goals,
who seem to forget
their best bet:
Bet on you.

From the early European days of the Bourse to the most current markets today, the PowerGem of stock investing has appeared correctly If you know about the monkeys who throw darts at the beginning of every year, their stock performance has invariably outperformed the best human investors. Year after year the monkeys continue to do better at predicting the stock market throwing darts than the most qualified and experienced humans with all their technology. Instead of trying to see in advance what the stock market or any of its individual or its subsidiary group components will do, the best solution, as always, is in the question. We try to remind each other that asking better questions produces better results. The stock market provides an immediate example of the science of success being more assured than the art of success, which is a function and issue of personality rather than techniques and specific words and questions. Instead of asking what will this stock do, it is better to ask questions such as, "What DID the stock market do... repeatedly?" This enables you to find commonalities. Pray tell, Mr and Mrs. and Ms Expert, why is it that, for thirty-nine out of forty-two years people who bought soy futures on April 2nd and sell by or before April 8th made a profit? That's close enough to one hundred percent to convince me that the first week of next April will show a similar result. Because the stock market is gambling, people of ethics wouldn't consider participating it. As soon as such consideration or discussion begins, the entire conversation that follows will be a search for rationalization of a decision already made. Yes it is relatively easy to take ten or thirty thousand dollars and make many small bets each day, a practice known as day trading. It's also easy to buy and sell alcohol, tobacco, and other items that, whatever personal benefits they produce, have a lethally toxic effect. That's not a rant against alcohol and tobacco, only an identification of two primary causes of death and putatively lesser suffering. The ethical person does not sell products that do not provide licit benefit.That's where the oxymoron kicks in. Those people who have primitive intelligence, the best and most productive of all, are not the gambling type, whereas, the gambling type is less likely to embrace PowerGems because they prefer to make decisions without consideration. That's the whole purpose of gambling; to fulfill the excitement of decisions that are not thought through. That's why a whopping ninety and more percent of all casino gamblers lose, while at the same time, ten percent of the gamblers win not merely once, they actually win repeatedly over the years. The ten percent who do win are an interesting lot of people, because they do not rotate and mix with the long-term results of the ninety percent who lose. The people in that ten percent who win do it again and again and again, and it's not because they're smarter than you. It's because they think BEFORE placing a bet. They're not there to gamble, they're there to generate income, and they do, for a living in many cases, and rather respectably. The stock market works so very much the same way, except the companies are allowed to stack the deck, in a manner of speaking. Every one of the Fortune 100 companies have broken serious laws pertaining to the full range of gimmicks that companies use to hide the fact that more money flowed to the few at the top and less to the people who actually brought those monies in. Even worse than the greed part, where more dollars are flowing into individual pockets rather than infrastructure, is the manipulation of information which makes it even tougher for an individual or institutional investor to make rational decisions that lead to profit. That manipulation removes far too much of the science of examination and prognostication. That means ee smartest and most knowledgeable people end up, year after year, with mixed results, sometimes up, sometimes down. The ten percent who make money consistently do so through cheating or through intelligent decision-making prior to purchase and then leave their investments alone.
Jobs - Interviews - Social - Persuasion You need to think bigger in at least one respect, instantly and now. Social graces are far away, far and above, far and without exception more important than your skill set. If you're not applying for a bean-counting or techno-related positions, please, be quiet and listen in to a conversation you will ever likely encounter until you've had a hundred or more experiences with, for example, job interviews. Peter lynch, thrilled she could buy leggs Hanes - at the supermarket - six times his money back because he ran to purchase