The only two ways to correct something wrong in govermment are violence and nonviolence.
Nonviolence means using the instruments of government.
When the 2nd American Revolution occurs,
it will be fought with ballots and bucks
instead of bullets and bombs. The pen rules!

built with great affection by Mister-Shortcut, for You

What you do speaks so loudly, my child, we cannot hear a word you're saying.
That, from Monsignor Bernie Kellogg, a gifted and giving man of epicness.

Designed for YOU by Mister-Shortcut, for You

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and focusing on living stronger for longer,
are dedicated to the development of your potential and excellence... to Longevity
are produced and presented for your short-term and long-term benefit,
in the belief that you were born to rise to your highest potential,
in nurturance of you passing on some of what you're about to obtain.
Your life is thoroughly and indisputably about to change, rather dramatically.
You do not see shopping carts in all of these thousands of pages, for good reason.
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The multi-billion-dollar value of the Path of Better Shortcuts is free for your life,
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All of the EyeCandy and Shapelinks, designed to increase your pleasure,
are innovations and promotions of your chief fan, cheerleader, and coach

built with great affection by Mister-Shortcut, for You