You've reached the internet's largest private website,
and by far the largest self-empowerment site likely to be built,

the Path of Better Shortcuts of Leaders Achievers and Role Models
with the delightfully devoted MrShortcut
WHY?   Why would one man invest fifty thousand hours on me, refusing to solicit or accept offers of financial wealth?

I hate waste - including the waste of your best performances!  
Considering all of the tens of thousands of minutes you've already wasted, just as we all have,
now it's suggested that you consider using a mere dozen minutes per day, in the pursuit of excellence.

Since you HAVE learned to walk, talk, and tie your shoelaces, three tasks that require thousands of smaller individual tasks brought together, we know that you're capable of virtually anything.

the Path of Better Shortcuts is my own "century-experiment" in hope of creating hundreds of thousands of masters, millionaires, champions, and billionaires.

As always, the goal of the teacher is to surpass the teacher's expectations... which include surpassing the teacher.

The Masters and Millionaires websites, all one million pages and beyond and more, by a single pair of hands,
have caused tens of millions of cups of food to be generated to help feed starving people.

Now, let's develop YOUR best potential and wealth. Instead of repaying me directly, you're expected to feed at least some of those who are hungrier than you.

The greatest shortcuts to success - leaders and achievers - our best role models
Masters and Millionaires
Path of Better Shortcuts To Success
Learn how to succeed faster with the best shortcuts of our winners and role models
Magnificent shortcuts to success Of Winners and Role Models
No need to be inventive at the outset. The Path of Healthiest Living offers incredibly well-developed secrets and shortcuts of the people who do and know it best... champions Billionaires - Path of Better Shortcuts ... sites - - devoted exclusively to your success. All of the MisterShortcut EyeCandy websites are focused on the shortcuts of masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires. -- Those who do it the best know it the best. That is why they are masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires Shortcuts Push F11 button to toggle theater ...

Make the most of today. Jump in anywhere or anytime on any page of the self-empowering Path of Better Shortcuts , the greatest, fastest-acting shortcuts to success used by masters, millionaires, champions, and billionaires. How to succeed faster with excellent shortcuts
Excellent shortcuts are known as PowerGems... ... universally powerful shortcuts

Millionaires and MisterShortcut PowerGems - Successful shortcuts of Masters & Millionaires It's useful to remember that PowerGems are Shortcuts . Their eponymity, to coin a phrase, requires that they be potent sources ...

Path of Better Shortcuts and Path of Healthiest Living - Description: Fast, high-powered Shortcuts to achieving mastery, wealth, and excellence with PowerGems from Masters and Millionaires. How to succeed faster. Self help motivation

How To Succeed Faster With Better shortcuts - You observe people with presumed or apparently less intelligence than you, or physically not as strong as you... who routinely outperform YOU, and most everyone else, as well. - The Path of Healthiest Living posits that they are hungrier than you are, because we can all observe that, in every fair race run, the winner is, inevitably, consistently, reliably... the hungriest person in the contest. True, or not? Get hungry, get focused, get busy, and get better results at high speeds.

There is no need to accept Path of Healthiest Living warrants and assurances of this reality of life, this condensed set of master secrets of the universe. One only needs to put these magical brain-potions to the test. Any PowerGem you engage a hundred or more times will repay you a good bit more than one hundred times. Shhhh. Less talking, more doing, at which point YOUR expertise will be a lodestone of guidance for us.

Engaging your Path of Healthiest Living in higher gear pays off quickly, efficiently, and, often, quite deliciously.

- You observe people with presumed or apparently less intelligence than you, or physically not as strong as you... who routinely outperform YOU, and most everyone else, as well. - The Path of Healthiest Living posits that they are hungrier than you are, because we can all observe that, in every fair race run, the winner is, inevitably, consistently, reliably... the hungriest person in the contest. True, or not? Get hungry, get focused, get busy, and get better results at high speeds.

There is no need to accept Path of Healthiest Living warrants and assurances of this reality of life, this condensed set of master secrets of the universe. One only needs to put these magical brain-potions to the test. Any PowerGem you engage a hundred or more times will repay you a good bit more than one hundred times. Shhhh. Less talking, more doing, at which point YOUR expertise will be a lodestone of guidance for us.

Engaging your Path of Healthiest Living in higher gear pays off quickly, efficiently, and, often, quite deliciously.

100 Most Effective Free Secrets of Succeeding - Shortcuts to success from Masters and...
... MrShortcut Secrets and Shortcuts to success from Masters and Millionaires... largest web site on earth for Shortcuts to success Every known human endeavor ... exciting journey. These are the Shortcuts to success from Masters and Millionaires...

Path of Better Shortcuts and Path of Healthiest Living - Description: 100 most effective secrets and Shortcuts to success from Masters and Millionaires. Use your Shortcuts to much faster success, Path of Healthiest Living, happiness, wealth, health.Self-help empowerment
http://www.MisterShortcut.US/index14.html How to succeed faster with excellent shortcuts
Excellent shortcuts are known as PowerGems... ... universally powerful shortcuts

The Great Science of Wealth - health success money -- successful shortcuts of...
...... looking and search for guaranteed methods to success, using many dozens of the best programs available. . Try any one of my tiny Shortcuts at least 100 times in any month OR in any year of your life ... possess hundreds and hundreds of the greatest, most powerful Shortcuts and techniques in the world. In 22 months, between live and ...

Path of Better Shortcuts and Path of Healthiest Living - Description: The Science of Wealth - health success money -- successful shortcuts of Masters and Millionaires. Self-Motivation and mastery. Self-empowerment improvement.

Seven million American millionaires know their own Shortcuts to success - achieving...
achieving succeeding secrets Shortcuts xgbwr500k51 ... Welcome to the Path of Better Shortcuts HOW Many American Millionaires... enough to share their high-powered Shortcuts with you. If you're NOT living ...

Path of Better Shortcuts and Path of Healthiest Living - Description: Millionaires? You like to know the secrets of self-made millionaires? What do you know of self-made millionaires?
How many U.S.A. millionaires. This should grab your attention.

How To Succeed Faster With Better shortcuts - You observe people with presumed or apparently less intelligence than you, or physically not as strong as you... who routinely outperform YOU, and most everyone else, as well. - The Path of Healthiest Living posits that they are hungrier than you are, because we can all observe that, in every fair race run, the winner is, inevitably, consistently, reliably... the hungriest person in the contest. True, or not? Get hungry, get focused, get busy, and get better results at high speeds.

There is no need to accept Path of Healthiest Living warrants and assurances of this reality of life, this condensed set of master secrets of the universe. One only needs to put these magical brain-potions to the test. Any PowerGem you engage a hundred or more times will repay you a good bit more than one hundred times. Shhhh. Less talking, more doing, at which point YOUR expertise will be a lodestone of guidance for us.

Engaging your Path of Healthiest Living in higher gear pays off quickly, efficiently, and, often, quite deliciously.

- You observe people with presumed or apparently less intelligence than you, or physically not as strong as you... who routinely outperform YOU, and most everyone else, as well. - The Path of Healthiest Living posits that they are hungrier than you are, because we can all observe that, in every fair race run, the winner is, inevitably, consistently, reliably... the hungriest person in the contest. True, or not? Get hungry, get focused, get busy, and get better results at high speeds.

There is no need to accept Path of Healthiest Living warrants and assurances of this reality of life, this condensed set of master secrets of the universe. One only needs to put these magical brain-potions to the test. Any PowerGem you engage a hundred or more times will repay you a good bit more than one hundred times. Shhhh. Less talking, more doing, at which point YOUR expertise will be a lodestone of guidance for us.

Engaging your Path of Healthiest Living in higher gear pays off quickly, efficiently, and, often, quite deliciously.

Champions and Billionaires Shortcuts to success | Self-Empowerment
... Succeed the Path of Better Shortcuts of Masters and Millionaires... This is the Path of Better Shortcuts of Champions and Billionaires... your success. Masters and champions know better than you do - Powerful success Shortcuts of masters, millionaires...

Path of Better Shortcuts and Path of Healthiest Living - Description: Because MisterShortcut wants YOU to succeed faster, free for your life. Champions and billionaires, masters and millionaires Shortcuts . PowerGems. Eye candy PowerGems Shortcuts to success. 1,000,000 pages of Shortcuts . Wow!

How To Succeed Faster With Better shortcuts - You observe people with presumed or apparently less intelligence than you, or physically not as strong as you... who routinely outperform YOU, and most everyone else, as well. - The Path of Healthiest Living posits that they are hungrier than you are, because we can all observe that, in every fair race run, the winner is, inevitably, consistently, reliably... the hungriest person in the contest. True, or not? Get hungry, get focused, get busy, and get better results at high speeds.

There is no need to accept Path of Healthiest Living warrants and assurances of this reality of life, this condensed set of master secrets of the universe. One only needs to put these magical brain-potions to the test. Any PowerGem you engage a hundred or more times will repay you a good bit more than one hundred times. Shhhh. Less talking, more doing, at which point YOUR expertise will be a lodestone of guidance for us.

Engaging your Path of Healthiest Living in higher gear pays off quickly, efficiently, and, often, quite deliciously.

- You observe people with presumed or apparently less intelligence than you, or physically not as strong as you... who routinely outperform YOU, and most everyone else, as well. - The Path of Healthiest Living posits that they are hungrier than you are, because we can all observe that, in every fair race run, the winner is, inevitably, consistently, reliably... the hungriest person in the contest. True, or not? Get hungry, get focused, get busy, and get better results at high speeds.

There is no need to accept Path of Healthiest Living warrants and assurances of this reality of life, this condensed set of master secrets of the universe. One only needs to put these magical brain-potions to the test. Any PowerGem you engage a hundred or more times will repay you a good bit more than one hundred times. Shhhh. Less talking, more doing, at which point YOUR expertise will be a lodestone of guidance for us.

Engaging your Path of Healthiest Living in higher gear pays off quickly, efficiently, and, often, quite deliciously.

The Path of Better Shortcuts is not about making guesses. It is about following those who live stronger for longer.
the Path of Better Shortcuts is no more or less than using the shortcuts of masters and millionaires.

There is no better day than today to strive for that one percent more you are fully capable of.
Contents page LVI for Masters and Millionaires Shortcuts to success
Self-Empowerment Shortcuts Secrets of Success - How To Succeed Faster With Shortcuts Masters and Millionaires Shortcuts to success. - The Path of Healthiest Living urges you to ask more people more times each for what you most want. You will find many of the world's, of history's, of Mankind's greatest shortcuts all throughout the Path of Healthiest Living and Path of Better Shortcuts... all for your success This is the Path of Better Shortcuts of Champions and Billionaires...

Path of Better Shortcuts and Path of Healthiest Living - Description: Too large for a score of index pages - each SiteMap is divided in pieces - each a huge chunk of the Path of Better Shortcuts.
When you consider how many shortcuts you have already used, how many shortcuts you now use,
these success shortcuts will prove to be easy for you. Reach for more and life will grant you more. Ask for more.
Role models know what they're doing in matters of success. Masters and Millionaires Shortcuts to success. The Path of Better Shortcuts .

index.html Best shortcuts to health shortcuts wealth, free for your life. - EyeCandy PowerGems MrShortcut | How to succeed faster

Masters and Champions - Shortcuts to success - self-empowerment
... your success. Masters and champions know better than you do - Powerful success Shortcuts of masters, millionaires... using the high-powered, most Successful shortcuts of masters, millionaires... on Shortcuts, particularly Successful Shortcuts, are for you, and They are free, they are proven, they have been used for thousands and thousands of years... No demands for you to buy anything at or from the Path of Healthiest Living outside of belief in yourself and the power of shortcuts...

Path of Better Shortcuts and Path of Healthiest Living - Description: Over one thousand separate websites created by MrShortcut of Masters and Millionaires. all here for your life. Eye candy PowerGems Shortcuts to success. 1,000,000 pages of Shortcuts . Wow!

How To Succeed Faster With Better shortcuts - You observe people with presumed or apparently less intelligence than you, or physically not as strong as you... who routinely outperform YOU, and most everyone else, as well. - The Path of Healthiest Living posits that they are hungrier than you are, because we can all observe that, in every fair race run, the winner is, inevitably, consistently, reliably... the hungriest person in the contest. True, or not? Get hungry, get focused, get busy, and get better results at high speeds.

There is no need to accept Path of Healthiest Living warrants and assurances of this reality of life, this condensed set of master secrets of the universe. One only needs to put these magical brain-potions to the test. Any PowerGem you engage a hundred or more times will repay you a good bit more than one hundred times. Shhhh. Less talking, more doing, at which point YOUR expertise will be a lodestone of guidance for us.

Engaging your Path of Healthiest Living in higher gear pays off quickly, efficiently, and, often, quite deliciously.

- You observe people with presumed or apparently less intelligence than you, or physically not as strong as you... who routinely outperform YOU, and most everyone else, as well. - The Path of Healthiest Living posits that they are hungrier than you are, because we can all observe that, in every fair race run, the winner is, inevitably, consistently, reliably... the hungriest person in the contest. True, or not? Get hungry, get focused, get busy, and get better results at high speeds.

There is no need to accept Path of Healthiest Living warrants and assurances of this reality of life, this condensed set of master secrets of the universe. One only needs to put these magical brain-potions to the test. Any PowerGem you engage a hundred or more times will repay you a good bit more than one hundred times. Shhhh. Less talking, more doing, at which point YOUR expertise will be a lodestone of guidance for us.

Engaging your Path of Healthiest Living in higher gear pays off quickly, efficiently, and, often, quite deliciously.

Just for you - More success Secrets and Shortcuts of Masters and Millionaires
... and Millionaires Fastest Success Shortcuts of Masters Millionaires, Champions ... http://www.Best-free-health-shortcuts-successMasters and millionaires - best shortcuts to success | THIS is how to succeed faster | -- www.Shapelinks.US -- -- || ||
Path of Better Shortcuts and Path of Healthiest Living - Description: Godfather of Shortcuts with success Secrets and Shortcuts of Masters and Millionaires. More than a thousand empowerment websites designed for your life and success, created by a single pair of hands. How to succeed.

How To Succeed Faster With Better shortcuts - You observe people with presumed or apparently less intelligence than you, or physically not as strong as you... who routinely outperform YOU, and most everyone else, as well. - The Path of Healthiest Living posits that they are hungrier than you are, because we can all observe that, in every fair race run, the winner is, inevitably, consistently, reliably... the hungriest person in the contest. True, or not? Get hungry, get focused, get busy, and get better results at high speeds.

There is no need to accept Path of Healthiest Living warrants and assurances of this reality of life, this condensed set of master secrets of the universe. One only needs to put these magical brain-potions to the test. Any PowerGem you engage a hundred or more times will repay you a good bit more than one hundred times. Shhhh. Less talking, more doing, at which point YOUR expertise will be a lodestone of guidance for us.

Engaging your Path of Healthiest Living in higher gear pays off quickly, efficiently, and, often, quite deliciously.

- You observe people with presumed or apparently less intelligence than you, or physically not as strong as you... who routinely outperform YOU, and most everyone else, as well. - The Path of Healthiest Living posits that they are hungrier than you are, because we can all observe that, in every fair race run, the winner is, inevitably, consistently, reliably... the hungriest person in the contest. True, or not? Get hungry, get focused, get busy, and get better results at high speeds.

There is no need to accept Path of Healthiest Living warrants and assurances of this reality of life, this condensed set of master secrets of the universe. One only needs to put these magical brain-potions to the test. Any PowerGem you engage a hundred or more times will repay you a good bit more than one hundred times. Shhhh. Less talking, more doing, at which point YOUR expertise will be a lodestone of guidance for us.

Engaging your Path of Healthiest Living in higher gear pays off quickly, efficiently, and, often, quite deliciously.     www.PardonMe.US       www.AmazingHealth.US     www.Top-Doctor.US     www.       

        Mr-Shortcut XV

Share the Path of Healthiest Living - Global Empowerment!

Sharing has a funny, pleasing way of returning, repeatedly

You already know that what goes up must come down, that what goes around comes around.
Today presents any number of opportunities for you, some you see, plenty that pass you by.
Today, the Path of Healthiest Living solicits your interest in developing your excellence.
So, pretend that today is that day in which you earn annual money in each work-hour.
Today is your focus, not the next 100 days of repeating and improving what you do today.
You can do it for 22 days, 100 days, 1000 days or more, provided you do it, fully, in THIS today.
What you do plays a distant second fiddle to what you do with what you know, demanding you do more.
When you awaken the Path of Healthiest Living within you, you are going to be positively electrified, as a habit.
When you imitate the best, the masters and millionaires, the champions and billionaires, you tend to imitate their results.
It is your day, your turn, your Path of Healthiest Living, your hunger driving the determination of how successful you will be today.

Develop more of who you are with
built with love by MrShortcut, for You

You've reached the center of your universe - where YOUR excellence counts.
The world's largest resource for shortcuts, best source of health tips.
You've entered the Path of Better Shortcuts of Masters and Millionaires
Reach for the best in you, developing more of your untapped inner potential.
embrace the Path of Better Shortcuts and you will find it reciprocates.

the Path of Better Shortcuts is Your Path of Better Shortcuts,
where the Godfather of Shortcuts uses interactive fun to promote your success.
Showing us what you can do is so much more impressive than telling us what you can do.
Do you agree that you've only achieved the smallest fraction of why you live and breathe?

the Path of Better Shortcuts is a living, breathing organism within you that believes in you,
without known limits, because cybernetics makes it crystal-clear: only YOU can set limits.

With several million unpaid minutes of superlative focus building the Path of Better Shortcuts
here's proof right in front of your eyes of the power and fruit of using great shortcuts.

When is it your turn to enjoy a better life?   Any reason to wait?

Using any one or more PowerGems within repeatedly,
is guaranteed to produce faster and better results for you.   GUARANTEED...
and at no charge since you knew all of this, and well, as a child,
and simply stopped using it. No more excuses, let's get busy..

the Path of Better Shortcuts is part of the mother of all sites,
the Psychology of Shortcuts of Masters and Millionaires.
Free for your life because you're worth it all and more.
Look for your EyeCandy treats, many of them hidden,
in hundreds of thousands of pages created for YOU.
pursuing your finest and accelerated success,
created by the Godfather of Shortcuts,
the Godfather of EyeCandy,

At the bottom of the page, this is your life. The sooner you get excited about Life,
the sooner Life gets more interested and excited about you in particular.
the Path of Better Shortcuts urges you to squeeze a bit more,
because you already know, deep down inside of you,
precisely how to succeed at anything you wish.