How To Pay the Path of Better Shortcuts - With No Cash - just passion and a click

On a good day, more than   one hundred thousand people   "pay" for

Each customer "pays" with a clickthrough to thehungersite.

Thank you,   one hundred thousand times per day.  

You continue to justify an investment you can barely understand,
fifty thousand seconds per day for three thousand days plus.
Sometimes more but always averaging 50,000 per day,
each minute an effort to be better than the previous,
neither soliciting nor accepting your generous offers.
Your money's no good at the Path of Better Shortcuts.
It's your interest and your passion and your involvement.
That's how you repay the Godfather of EyeCandy and Shortcuts.
Wait until you taste what the Path of Better Shortcuts helps you to achieve
YOU are making the difference
Magnificently generous sponsors purchase 1.1 cups of staple food for starving humans with each of your free clickthroughs.
Click this food button and the one that pops open, we get to save a human life... at no charge to either of us.
the Path of Better Shortcuts encourages you to click everyday, for selfish reasons:
What goes around, does indeed come back around. See Newton's Third Law.

Whatever you do to and for the least among and around you;
that's what will be coming your way at some point.
But, hey, then again, maybe you're smarter.
Maybe YOUR IQ is 150 to 200,
exercised every day, nicely.
Maybe you know better.
If so, then teach us.
Until then, shhh.
Less talking,
more doing

Learn more and you're more likely to live more.
Grab as much as you like from the Path of Better Shortcuts.

Perhaps you'll start by recognizing that it's time to invest in yourself rather than spend on yourself.
Every dollar you now spend on yourself is one hundred to one thousand dollars you would have had for spending at the other end.
You are probably less than halfway to where you may hope to be some day, with relation to your finance, and even your age.

As long as you start today, you are thoroughly assured of having more and more and more, not with stinginess, just care.
Three, four, five dollars for a cup of coffee that costs only a penny? Which one of us is living in Bizarre World?
If you're so lacking in self-control that you MUST drink that expensive coffee, how about occasionally?
Changing this one habit from a daily habit to a weekly habit puts many thousands back in your pocket.
As just a few years pass, and those same dollars are working for you in stock or elswewhere,
you begin to understand that those cups of coffee really did cost you big money.
This is the time, this is the place, this is the opportunity of a lifetime,
to begin investing in yourself rather than just spending on yourself.
Later in this journey you'll find you have more to spend,
both on yourself, and hopefully on others as well.

all of this has been created with armfuls of love for you by the Godfather of EyeCandy, for You 

These are the best shortcuts of Masters and millionaires,
the best shortcuts of champions and billionaires,
and without a doubt YOUR best Shortcuts to succeeding.
Enjoy. the Path of Better Shortcuts is free for your life.

Regrettably, only IE and compatible browsers can see most of the EyeCandy.
Have no fear. A) There are hundreds of thousands of EyeCandy bits.
B) PowerGems are what you need to find here.
With millions of pages, find plenty of PowerGems.

to accelerate in a trice.
inexpensive at any price,
For nothing works better,
with wisdom in every letter,
the effective pacesetter,

Teaching each to race much better,
there are dreamers and thinkers there are doers and go-getters.

and move to your brighter place,
pay the Path of Better Shortcuts and,
find yourself rising apace.

for secrets right in front of your face,
you do pay
when you win each and every resolution race.

So pay and find yourself on the honoree's dais.

make sure that you pay it well,
by feeding the starving, each time you are carving, or face your own private hell.
Payoffs are payoffs, take them as you can,
the more you give, the more you have.
Pay the Path of Better Shortcuts the ultimate cash machine,
pay with food for each bite that you take,
you'll arise with the bling
of which you still dream..

This is the primer on how to pay the Path of Better Shortcuts.
In a nutshell:
make sure that you pay it well,
by feeding the starving, each time you are carving,
or know that you'll empty
your own karmic well.

make sure that you pay it well,
by feeding the starving, each time you are carving,
or soon you will find your till empty as well.

So many different kinds of shortcuts!
Empowering and fully superlative shortcuts,
Munificent and indubitably magnificent shortcuts,
guaranteed and quite incredible shortcuts,
fantastic and persistently powerful shortcuts
hypnotic and rather delicious shortcuts,
Insurable and Monefied shortcuts,
if you catch my drift,
absolute and certainly engaging shortcuts,
enduring and for sure successful shortcuts,
so-potently helpful and fully utile shortcuts....
and so much more. You see we can also find
enticing shortcuts and satisfying shortcuts,
energizing shortcuts and non-abrasive shortcuts,
sharing shortcuts and of course, caring shortcuts.
At the end of it all, shortcuts and time-cuts,
carry us over the wall.

These are the shortcuts of those who dare,
these are the shortcuts they use everywhere.
A thousand minutes per day, no travail,
means a thousand shortcuts we all might avail.
Excuses are fine for those who fail small,
but shortcuts are needed by who would stand tall.
all a perception, of honest deception, looking for those who are good.
who raise the reins of shortcuts, and use them as they should.

Empowering Shortcuts

Empowering shortcuts on the vine,
demanding to be plucked with the passage of time.

Empowering shortcuts all around
look and take yourself to town.
Marry and carry each with joy,
remember they're more than complimentary toys.
Empowering shortcuts work best when used,
and always work best when used by you.
Empowering shortcuts rushed by time,
pluck them fresh from yonder vine.
Empowering shortcuts to the end,
all for you, this means to send.
YOUR empowering shortcuts.

These are the shortcuts you use to pay
with love and food for people near you who cannot feed themselves.

Surprise yourself with the delights of taking tiny steps at the Path of Better Shortcuts.
Tiny steps lead to improvements that are staggering in scope when you repeat them each day.
Do more with what you already know. This one feature effectively reduces the time requirement
for nearly everything you do. Never again underestimate YOUR ability and power to affect time.
Not only is this a key feature and function of success,
your life gets immediately and often profoundly affected as well.

Not the least of these numerous benefits is the ability to to accomplish the same things in considerably less time.
Success is that highest state, that happiness that is, at the core, not so easily described with words,
because each of us has a completely unique view of just what success actually is.    It's personal.

And yet today, guaranteeing such success is mathematically possible with the Path of Better Shortcuts.
Each PowerGem within the Path of Better Shortcuts works by itself, powerfully, repeatedly.
Any combination of PowerGems, used precisely as described, produces fast results.
So far, we haven't found any worthwhile exceptions to this concrete rule.

There are so many shortcuts available for you to make use of.

Have you yet come to see, just for one example of many instant pathways to power,
that you have the ability to ask a question not merely from a bright librarian or a Harvard professor,
no, you get to ask many tens of millions of computers your question,
because that is precisely what you do when you go to a search engine.
You're asking millions and more millions of computers in hundreds of languages, covering every known subject.

Experts are an excellent source, ONLY as long as THEY are personally doing it at world-class.
We generally recognize them as masters or millionaires, champions or billionaires.
Everyone else exemplifies crapulosity, the entirely counter-productive blatherskite of excuses,
because the only people who - legitimately - know better... ... are those who do better... repeatedly.

Embrace the Path of Better Shortcuts || Masters and Millionaires Great Secrets to Success