Employ   with the Godfather of EyeCandy
More interactive self-empowerment pages than you can ever visit ... created for you by the prolific MisterShortcut
One of the few great certainties of life is that you're capable of doing better one time for every twelve tries.
Engaging in this one practice is absolutely guaranteed to double your results or income in every area of human endeavor.
The simple act of getting one percent better every time you try something has magical results that defy all logic.

It is a perfect shortcut of life - a PowerGem. This one shortcut alone works approximately every time.
Without exception, one additional success for every twelve tries doubles your results and dollars.

Plant seeds to offer them water. Seeds of instant use, instant benefit..
Planting seeds induces physical well-being in you and your wish.
With so many seeds in each hand, your watering will flower
at wonderful and accelerated speeds with your brain ON.
You must ask one hundred people, and again, true?
What is there in life you don't have to ask for?
Any role model or champion, and high achiever,
without fail we see that they ask 100 times.
If necessary, they ask another 100 times.
Prepare responses beforehand. When you know what the questions are likely to be,
you are prepared and smooth. Truth presented proactively has immutable power.
Work with truth to support your positions, it is cheaper and happier.
Every single thing has a price as Newton taught in his 3rd law.
Since you definitely do have to pay a price for everything,
does it not make sense to get the best price you can?
Considering that truth repeated carries great weight,
the balancing swing back is quite controllable,
by those who repeat again.
Please. You talk too much.
Less talking, more doing,
less of your verbality,
more of your brains,
more of your best.
What you do, pal,
is so darn noisy,
we hardly hear
what you say.
Speak less,
Act now.

Today is the most powerful day of your life.
That makes it the best possible day to accelerate,
the best possible day to make a bigger and better difference.
The smartest way to begin such changes is, naturally, with a plan.
If you don't know exactly where you're going, you'll end up somewhere else.

You're urged to stop living your life by accident, based on other people's actions.
As it stands now, you are living only to make someone else's dream come true, provably.
When you punch that clock, you're serving someone else's dreams, goals, and interests.
When another human makes more money from your daily efforts than you yourself earn,
it's time to take a serious look at where we will see you several years from now.
You can only serve goals. That is a singular function of the human brain,
that it never, ever, ever works by accident or without goals.
That means you serve your own goals, or someone else's.
It's fine to serve someone else's goals in life,

Beyond a temporary situation or two,
it is NOT healthy to continue this.
You MUST make the decision to serve YOUR goals.
pursuing the best of your untapped inner potential,
developing better, faster results by taking better steps.
You might begin by first defining what your goals and dreams are.
That in itself puts you in a position to achieve bigger and better things.
In return for helping you to help yourself become the giant you were born to be,
your contract is accepted for you to remember there are ALWAYS people lower on the ladder,
and further, that no one gets to the top of their own ladder without the help of other people.
Look down on someone only when you reach down to help them up.     The payoff is huge.
So, Go ahead, feed a hungrier person today,
and you'll have moved up a notch at the Path of Better Shortcuts.

Shapelinks To Tickle Your Interest
What are Shapelinks?       Good question.

911day Photos - Tribute To Friends

Health Index - Path of Better Shortcuts

Wealth index into the Path of Better Shortcuts

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Use your Path of Better Shortcuts to help feed the world's starving people
YOU are making the difference
Wonderful sponsors of thehungersite.com (no relation to us) perform many miracles every single day.
At last count, these great givers have been buying growing thousands of cups of food each day.
That's not for each year! Thanks to YOU, far more than any other audience on the planet,
many thousands of cups of food per hour are generated one click at a time, by you.
the Path of Better Shortcuts has always supported this magnificent task,
generating new and well-earned business while helping human beings.
Please clickthrough every day, to save a human life every day.
This is becoming the greatest food drive of all time,
outdoing every other effort ever undertaken,
and it IS thanks to your clicks. Bless you,
with or without the religious labels;
you are the saviors of earth,
of starving humanity.
Thank YOU!

There is no more noble effort within the Path of Better Shortcuts.   What goes around....

Golden Losers and Golden Winners - Actions Tell Us More Than Words!