EyeCandy Capitals of the World - All-New Art-Forms From MisterShortcut
It is hoped you'll find this the most exciting and empowering website in the world, with EyeCandy galore!
the Path of Better Shortcuts is so broadly built across the Internet that touching ANY keyboard character
will bring you to another MisterShortcut website, packed with joy, and, of course, EyeCandy.

These deliciuosly interactive links are just a taste,
the merest glimpse into a journey no human will ever complete,
into the Path of Better Shortcuts of Masters and Millionaires and Champions.
Those who think it's "just" a thousand versions of a few thousand pieces should look again.

As long as you find one MisterShortcut website, you'll likely find others.
Many of the hundreds of free sites and paid hosts will die over time, naturally.
As of today, there are more than a thousand separate MisterShortcut sites, each unique,
each one designed and created by the Godfather of Shortcuts, Master of Shortcuts and more,
so there is more than enough well-proven material here to build your wealth and health fantastically,
at accelerated rates with shortcuts; shortcuts of champions and winners, masters and role models.

Hundreds of thousands of minutes... several times, unpaid and unpublicized, because of you.
Of all the ways to really and truly ee odds stacked against you, success is best.
My sister, who in her forties went to college, went to law school, and passed the bar,
stated that the only way to effectively change a system is from the inside out.
Join the masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires who share.
These pages are packed with the greatest success shortcuts of all time,
used by the people who know them best: masters, champions, and more.

Are You Ready For The Journey Of A Lifetime?
If you've never been to the Path of Better Shortcuts before,
you're in for a vast array of delicious and entirely new art forms.
From PowerLinks and RaveWings and WingRaves and HealthLinks and MasterLinks,
with more interactivity than a hundred other websites combined and then some,
the Path of Better Shortcuts is about a over a million unique web pages,
created and refined by a single pair of hands, free for your life.
Who earns with the Path of Better Shortcuts
owes the Path of Better Shortcuts.
So, pay for food, locally.
Feed the starving.
We'll be even.

   Let's start by tapping your spacebar.    


Use your shorcuts and shortcuts,
to get indubitably accelerated results.
Works for all humans, including you.
Not just any shortcuts: only the best of the best,
the shortcuts of those who achieve repeat excellence.
the Path of Better Shortcuts
Welcome to where every page can be matched with any other;
any paragraph or two can be combined with any other of these millions of pages
that the Path of Better Shortcuts is such an important part of: Masters and Millionaires Shortcuts,
the greatest shortcuts of all time, from those who know better because they do better, consistently,
repeatedly failing and succeeding with spectacularity, our masters and millionaires, your champions and billionaires,
because getting it from the mouth of the horse is preferable to getting it from the wrong end of the horse, wouldn't you say?

Time is rushing by at the fantastic rate of 1,440 precious, opportunity-filled minutes   -   each and every day
This is the day to follow those who do it best:
champions and winners, masters and role models


The greatest shortcuts of masters and champions, winners and role models.

Yes, MisterShortcut built every page of every website here, all these hundreds of thousands of unique pages,
and MANY tens of thousands of duplicate mirror pages.

Hard to deny this man the title of "Most prolific web designer of all time."

So what homage is asked? Recognition? Celebrity?
NO! Just click on the food buttons regularly.
Are millions of highly-focused minutes worth it?
My life, your clicks.


All of these exquisite MisterShortcut websites,
filled with many of your healthiest and wealthiest shortcuts
exist because you are a valuable, important human being.
Fact is, there is a mathematical need to recognize, like it or not,
that you may be one of the thousand of each generation,
one thousand very unique humans,
who truly change the world for you to use them. Justify them please, with action.

Share the Path of Healthiest Living With Global Generosity!

Share the Path of Healthiest Living and Path of Better Shortcuts with YOUR world,
for the Path of Healthiest Living and Path of Better Shortcuts can be used by all.
The more we give away in life, the more that life is sure to repay our kindness.
Empower people to empower themselves, effectively teaching us all to help.
The helpless of the world, humans and creatures, all within air, sea, land,
all cry out to you to reverse the unconscionable greed of the wealthiest.
Share the Path of Healthiest Living and Path of Better Shortcuts today.
Help to even up the playing field, living a life that lives beyond you.
How you spend the minutes is also how you are spending the life.
You get to double all results every hundred tries or so if you like.
Each master of success can tell you these master secrets of life.
The more you reach to help others, the more life reaches you.
Before you do more, cease pretending that you know more.
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction, correct?
Act the way you want to be to become the way you act.
These are several master secrets of your universe.
They come from the masters of your universe.
Speaking less, and doing more, is yours.
Share the Path of Healthiest Living.
Let us even the playing field.

the Path of Better Shortcuts and Dr Path of Better Shortcuts,
along with more than a thousand other MisterShortcut self-help sites
mean to help you to empower yourself, by helping you to help yourself.

You are now beginning the single greatest winning streak of your entire life.
Welcome to the Shortcuts Capital of the Universe, from your chief cheerleader.

Learning more leads to living more,
especially with PowerGems from
brought to you in the pursuit of bringing out the best in you.
Develop more of your potential with and go for yours, quickly!
Created with love by MisterShortcut, for You

the EyeCandy Capital of the Internet.
the Path of Better Shortcuts.

Raise your quality of life with shortcuts at

built with great affection by Mr Shortcut, for You

Are we having fun yet?

Creating PowerLinks and so much EyeCandy has been enjoyable.
Ultimately, the value of the Path of Better Shortcuts is determined less by how many cups of food we raise,
and even less by how much you like the PowerLinks and EyeCandy than how much you "get" the idea of PowerGems.
The highest order of business is understanding that what you do today has an identifiable effect tomorrow.
Good effect or bad, it's all on you, always will be.
What you do speaks so loudly we cannot hear a word you say.

Do more with what you know, because you're assured of collecting hugely.
This approach leads not once, instead, repeatedly,
to the biggest and best payoffs of your life.