.... all for you,
with love from MisterShortcut

What are you doing down here?
Get back upstairs right now, young lady!

the Path of Better Shortcuts

Yes, the Path of Better Shortcuts

Which part of Path of Better Shortcuts are you not getting?

the Path of Better Shortcuts wants to know why you are here

So, why are you here?
Why are you here at the Path of Better Shortcuts ?

These gorgeous hotlinks are just EyeCandy dressings for our real purpose,
to engage the best of you to bring out your best potential.

That's the core of the Path of Better Shortcuts.

The point is thus:
You see how you keep having to go back up each time you go past a comment or question?

We urgenly need to instantly address the proper use of shortcuts,
since you've just engaged in using a shortcut injudiciously.

You used a shortcut to get down the page faster,
rather than rely upon a single DOWN-PAGE at a time.
Sometimes we miss some delicious opportunities,
so balance carefully the need for speed,
and the drive for excellence.
Do it fast or do it right.
Both at once is a stretch.
and a thousand other MisterShortcut sites,
you're reminded to keep your dreams out of reach,
without going so far away from reality that it's out of sight.

BR>BR> Oh!<
You're SooOOOOoo nosy!

Oh, Okay.
Here's some more tasty EyeCandy
Shapelinks To Tickle Your Interest
What are Shapelinks?       Good question.

Corporate sponsors purchase 1.1 cups of staple food for starving people as a result of our free clicks.
YOU are making the difference

When you click this food button and the one that pops open you save a human life... at no charge to you.
There is no more noble effort within the Path of Better Shortcuts.   What goes around....